
MetaCeram from Castolin Eutectic encompasses a range of specialized coating powders designed for various applications, primarily focusing on enhancing the wear resistance and durability of metal surfaces under different conditions.

Flame spraying of refractory materials - MetaCeram

The spray additive is melted or fused by the flame, accelerated in the direction of the component to be coated and propelled onto the component. The powder melts and/or becomes doughy in the process. The spray coating is bonded to the base material mainly by mechanical bonding and to a lesser extent by adhesion and diffusion. The adhesion to the base material can be improved with an adhesive primer layer. The resulting spray coatings are microporous and interspersed with oxidic components in the form of lamellae.

Refractory materials such as oxide ceramics are applied for thermal and electrical insulation as well as wear protection. Ceramic spray additives must be applied with a primer in order to achieve sufficient adhesion. The best adhesive tensile strength is already achieved with molybdenum, so there is no need to apply a primer. CastoDyn DS 8000 is available as a spraying device.

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